Pompae, which is used in many buddhist ceremonies, has the meaning
of admiration towards Buddha's sacred words. It is also called as
Eosan. There are some theories of its origin. It might be originated
from Yeongsanhoesang or from musical devotion by Myoeum Bosal [Bodhisattva].
Even it has been said as the creation by Josik of China. There were
some who contributed to transmission of Pompae down to later generations.
In Oh dynasty of China Jigyeom composed 'Pompae Samgye'. Also Gangseunghoe
made 'Nihang Pompae' and helped its wide spread of Pompae Seongmyeong
in Southern China. Later this Pompae was succeeded to Korean Pompae
by Jin-gam-seonsa, the monk of Shilla who had studied abroad to Tang
of China. In general, Pompae means all kinds of music used in any
ritual ceremony in Buddhism.